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   농업 관련 책자 > JADAM Organic Farming (Youngsang Cho, p 372, 영어 번역서)
이전상품 JADAM Organic Farming (Youngsang Cho, p 372, 영어 번역서)

제조회사 : 자연을닮은사람들(JADAM)
판매가격 : 45,000원
수량 EA
배송조건 : (무료)
자닮 유기농업의 영문판입니다. 다양한 언어로 번역되어 아마존에서도 판매하고 있습니다.
상품 상세 설명

<자닮 후원자님은 할인해 드립니다. 사무국으로 전화 신청바랍니다.  1899-5012>


Youngsang Cho was born in 1965 in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi province, Korea. He graduated from Suwon Highschool and Aju University (chemistry), and completed master's degree in horticulture at Chungnam University. After completing his military service at the 706 Special Forces, he started organic farming and raised animals himself from 1991 in Asan, Chungnam province. He went on to establish "Jadam Organic Farming" and started to promote this farming system through books and website (www.jadam.kr). He established "Jadam Natural Pesticide Institute" in 2002 from where he continued his research while integrating knowledge from many experienced farmers which led to the completion of the system of ultra-low cost Jadam organic farming. He invented and developed many technologies for natural pesticide which he voluntarily did not patent but rather shared through books and website. His "Natural Pesticide Workshops" teaches the essence of ultra-low cost Jadam organic farming. Lectures, too, are disclosed on Jadam website and Youtube. 

You will learn many useful new methods including increasing microbial diversity and population, boosting soil minerals, tackling soil compaction, reducing salt level, raising soil fertility and more. This book also shows you how to make natural pesticides that can replace chemical ones. 

Table of Contents 

I. Vision 22 

II. Principles 42 
1. Do as nature does 44 
2. I and others are one 58 
3. The good and the bad are one 64 
4. Co-existing with wild grass 74 

III. Soil Management 84 
1. Current state of our soil 86 
2. Roots represent the soil condition 91 
3. Make your soil like leaf mold 95 
- Let us get rid of the compost method! 107 
- Seed and seedling treatment using leaf mold 125 

IV. Principles of Making Organic Farming Inputs 126 
1. Understanding organic farming inputs 128 
2. Anaerobic fermentation 130 
3. Water and leaf mold 136 
4. Ambient temperature 143 

V. Making Organic Farming Inputs 150 
1. JADAM mineral water (JMW) 152 
2. JADAM indigenous microorganism solution (JMS) 157 
- Organic livestock farming (no feces-removing) 171 
3. Microorganism medium using grains 172 
4. Customized microorganism medium 173 
5. JADAM liquid fertilizer (JLF) 175 
6. Customized JADAM liquid fertilizers 183 
7. Food waste JADAM liquid fertilizer 187 
8. Human manure JADAM liquid fertilizer 189 
9. Natural nitrogen JADAM liquid fertilizer 192 
10. Natural calcium phosphate JADAM liquid fertilizer 197 
11. Natural calcium JADAM liquid fertilizer 198 
12. Natural potassium JADAM liquid fertilizer 200 
13. Natural chitosan JADAM liquid fertilizer 201 
14. Natural mineral JADAM liquid fertilizer 202 
15. Natural color enhancer 204 
16. Fertilizer for nutritional balance 206 
17. Examples of JADAM fertilizer programs 216 
18. Summary of function of each element 218 

VI. Natural Pesticide 224 
1. Save cost with JADAM natural pesticide (JNP) 226 
2. Why do we need pesticide? 232 
3. Differences between natural and chemical pesticides 235 
4. Important points in using natural pesticide 240 
- JADAM water softener (JWS) 244 
5. I am the pesticide expert 250 
6. How to do natural pesticide research 254 
7. JADAM wetting agent (JWA) 258 
8. JADAM sulfur (JS) 268 
9. JADAM herb solution (JHS) 282 
10. Making pesticide from microorganism solution 298 
11. How much of each ingredient to use 301 
12. JADAM natural pesticides program 303 
13. Examples of JADAM natural pesticide programs 309 
14. Herbal smoker 326 

  이 름 :
내 용 :
고객리뷰평균 : 평점 ★★★★★  
입력된 고객 평가가 없습니다.
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상호명 : 자연을 닮은 사람들 사업자등록번호 : 613-10-79243
통신판매업신고번호 : 제2022-충남공주-0102호 대표 : 조영상 [개인정보 처리방침
개인정보담당자 : 이상희
사업장소재지 : 충남 공주시 탄천면 광명길265-3